What You Didn’t Know About Waardenburg Syndrome

Meta Description: Waardenburg syndrome is a genetic health condition which may affect the vision and color of the eyes, cause hearing loss, patched-skin, and premature of gray hair

A Dutch ophthalmologist, D. J. Waardenburg, in the year 1951, identified a genetic condition known as the Waardenburg Syndrome. It is a genetic disease that causes hearing loss and changes in pigmentation of hair, skin, and eyes. It is a medical condition that is present from birth and has no cure but managing it is possible. The victims of Waardenburg Syndrome may have eyes of different colors, or eyes with spots of a different color, prematurely gray hair, and unusual facial shape.

Types of Waardenburg Syndrome

The researchers have studied the condition over the years and were able to identify four different types of Waardenburg Syndrome.

Type 1

A Waardenburg Syndrome victim with eyes widely spaced has Type 1 of the syndrome. Also, there are different color patches on the skin, eyes, and hair. In some cases, they have lost color in the eyes and skin. It is one of the most common types of the syndrome, and almost 20 percent of victims of Type 1 Waardenburg Syndrome experience hearing loss.

Type 2

The symptoms of Type 2 Waardenburg Syndrome are similar to those of Type 1 but almost 50 percent of the victims of Type 2 experience hearing loss. However, Type 2 victims do not have a wide space between their eyes.

Type 3

The Type 3 victims are distinguished with a broad nose along with a wide space between the eyes. Other symptoms are similar to Types 1 and two, but what distinguishes Type 3 from the others is the issues with the upper limbs it causes. Type 3 is known as the Klein-Waardenburg Syndrome, and the majority of its victims have malformations in their joints and weak shoulders. People with this condition may have fused finger bones, abnormalities in the arms, hands, unusually small head, and abnormally shaped skull.

Type 4

The victims of Type 4 Waardenburg syndrome have Hirschsprung disease. It causes loss of pigmentation in the eyes, skin, and hearing loss.

The Symptoms

The most common symptoms of the syndrome include changes in vision, the color of the irises, premature graying of hair, difficulty with tear production, and patches of light colors on the skin. Hearing loss is a possibility in all four types of the syndrome. Other symptoms of this condition also include abnormalities in various body parts such as small colon, abnormally shaped uterus, cleft palate, albino skin, a wide nose, and unibrow.

Managing Waardenburg Syndrome

Having this syndrome does not affect a person’s lifestyle and life expectancy. There are no cures for the syndrome, but managing it is a possibility. The common treatments that help in the management of this syndrome include implanting of cochlear implants, hearing aids, and surgery for removal of blockages. If the syndrome is affecting the appearance of a victim, cosmetic changes such as hair dying, makeup, and cosmetic surgeries are some of the best options.

Predicting how the syndrome will take shape in the future is a challenge in itself. The first step in treating the syndrome is to know the type of syndrome, and it is what the healthcare providers do. It helps them plan a suitable treatment plan.

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